• 7 years ago
MEPs have today adopted, for the first time, a resolution on Lyme disease, or Lyme borreliosis, an infectious bacterial disease in humans and in various species of domestic and wild animals, caused transmitted to humans through the bite of a tick.

Lyme borreliosis is the most common zoonotic disease in Europe, with an estimated one million cases, which are expanding geographically.

The resolution adopted by MEPs today calls for on the European Commission to draw up a plan to combat Lyme disease, to accompany mandatory reporting in all Member States, better exchange of best practice, additional funding of the methods for diagnosing and treating Lyme disease and the promotion of research efforts.

Frédérique Ries MEP, co-author of the resolution, commented after its adoption today;

“For the first time, the European Parliament has adopted a resolution on Lyme disease, which is timely given the growing risk this disease poses to Europeans. We need a European plan to tackle this growing continent wide health problem. ”

“Treatment gaps mean that one million Europeans are struggling to receive the treatment they deserve, in the face of an overly conservative medical response. We denounce the fact that so many patients are being let down; they are entitled to effective treatment, including 100% reliable serological testing.”

“Europe must continue to fund research on "Lyme" because its diagnosis is complex and it takes various clinical forms.” https://alde.eu/en/news/1203-meps-call-for-a-european-plan-to-combat-lyme-disease/?fbclid=IwAR1-li_DXxy9OyqIUWTfluR6GGvhQBwTrtH4KC3GQU4OWscyQbOOWToe2BA

Agenda http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+AGENDA+20181115+SIT+DOC+XML+V0//EN

Parliamentary questions http://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/O-8-2018-000088_EN.html?redirect

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2F%2FEP%2F%2FTEXT+MOTION+B8-2018-0514+0+DOC+XML+V0%2F%2FEN&language=EN&fbclid=IwAR1Js7REyTzffmjkL05ZDtYKWFC6AqZpx_dhYfCLZaeXxz-cBX3o-VBqu24

AMENDMENTS 1-42 Draft motion for a resolution http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=COMPARL&reference=PE-623.901&format=PDF&language=EN&secondRef=01&fbclid=IwAR037imw9FvddAhuo-5Vhb_EttA22UfZBF5pUJz0bDapQ5vgsdfF84rsv4U


