• 7 yıl önce
Ninja Reacting To The *NEW* Season 6 Battle Pass & Level 100 Max Tier Dire Wolf Skins Fortnite - Fortnite FUNNY & BEST PLAYS Highlights



I'm uploading these videos to promote Twitch Streamers and YouTubers so please ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. If you want me to remove any MUSIC or CLIPS, please send me an email at bunnybrainproducer@gmail.com

Tags: nick eh 30 reacts to season 6 battle pass, season 6 battle pass skins, sesason 6 pets, battle pass 6 showcase, review season 6, ninja reacts to season 6 battle pass, streamers react to battle pass, streamers react to new season 6 bp, new season 6 cinematic trailer, streamers react to season 6 trailer, season 6 battle pass review, ninja buys the new season 6 battle pass, streamers react to the new season 6 trailer, new season 6 pets, skins, season 6 skins leaked

September 27th Item Shop Fortnite Coming Today in Fortnite :)

Item Shop Today, New skins videos soon...


