• 7 years ago
These 4 Plants Can Kill or Maim You Will all of the dangers in life,
it's easy to forget that certain
plants can also pose risks.
Stay away from these four if you can. 1. Manchineel tree The manchineel holds the Guinness
World Record for "most dangerous tree."
Its fruits are known as manzanilla
de la muerte, or "little apple of death." 2. The rosary pea Contrary to its religious-sounding name,
the seeds of this plant contain a toxin
so poisonous, that a single seed
can kill you in 36 hours if you chew it. 3. Wolfsbane Not only a nuisance to werewolves,
if this plant's toxins enter the
bloodstream of a human, it can cause
multiple organ failures and death. 4. Oleander This flower is prized by gardeners, but ingesting any part of the plant can cause skin rashes, blurred vision or even stop your heart.
