• 7 years ago
Lets Learn the Alphabet ABC\r
COLOURING PAGE with Play-Doh\r
- Easy to apply. \r
- Patterned or collection of templates can work. \r
- Instead of paint play-doh, environmentally safe :)\r
Creator: Easy Play Doh Channel\r
This tutorial video of the coloring pages download :\r
Hi Kids, Moms & Dads!\r
When preschoolers play with play dough it stimulates their senses, while offering an opportunity to use their imaginations!\r
Easy Play Doh Youtube channel help to you for improve your creation.\r
This Channel is the official Easy Play Doh Channel.\r
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Awesome videos everyday!! Stay tuned!\r
Playdough, Play-Doh, Clay, Plasticine, Plastilina, Plastiline, مادة لدائنية, 橡皮泥, 橡皮泥, pâte à modeler, プラスティシーン, plasticina, пластилин, modellera, пластилін, Crayola \r
This video is designed for your child to watch and learn The Alphabet the FUN way. This is the best Alphabet teaching module, your child will learn how to identify and recognize and write ABC. Have Fun..\r
Learn The Alphabet \r
1. Sing the Alphabet\r
2. The ABC Alphabet Phonics Song\r
3. The Phonics Song 2\r
4. The Alphabet Song:\r
5. Billy & Alligator Phonics Lesson\r
6. Learn to Play the Alphabet on Piano \r
7. Alphabet Chant 1\r
8. Alphabet Song\r
9. Alphabet Words Lesson (Whats This? Its an Apple)\r
10. The New ABC Alphabet Song \r
11. Alphabet Backwards \r
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