• 7 years ago
Advertising also creates a lot of jobs.

Nina DiSesa: I think of the ad messaging is good, if its worthwhile if its serves the purpose and if its engaging and interesting. I think its ok, I think its a lot of bad advertising I would say, lets ban the bad advertising and just find somebody who can go through with the red pencil and just kill all the bad ads but we can't do that. I don't think that, I think that the bad advertising gets filtered out by the consumer, they just don't they don't buy things that they don't need and they don't pay attention to ads that are not directed towards them, don't answer that the most important question in the English language, which is what's enough for me. I mean if that if what we do doesn't answer that question that we don't win, whether we are selling something or in the work place. We don't win, unless we can answer, what's in it for you, so I don't think that and we are certainly a consumer driven economy and listen to America we are I don't know that's good I have tried to temper on consumerism personally, but that's what makes our economy work, and that's what makes jobs for people, and that's what makes us a successful country. So I don't know how much you want to tamper with that, advertising is the big part of capitalism and what makes this country powerful so... Recorded on: 2/29/08
