Which of these stories do you find the most remarkable? Let us know in the comments below and subscribe to our channel for more inspiring videos just like this, thanks for watching. \r
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8 - Life is better with a beard… \r
Even if youre a woman! Because then you become quite famous! Meet Vivian Wheeler of Illinois, who has the longest female beard in the world. She suffers from hypertrichosis – and according to reports, started shaving at the age of 7. In 1993 she stopped shaving, and is now the record holder fo the longest beard on a woman. \r
7 - Monkey see, monkey do… \r
This is a bit of a controversial condition called Uner Tan syndrome. Its said people who struggle with it, walk on all fours. Uner Tan from Turkey, spent time studying 5 individuals from a family in rural Turkey, who all walked on their hands and feet. They used primitive speech and had a brain impairment which included disturbed conscious experience. The family were featured on a show on BBC. \r
Its thought to be a genetic mutation, and its like human evolution going in reverse.\r
6 - One too many… \r
This is Brigham Nordstrom, a lawyer from New Zealand, and he has a very unique condition which sees himself being in possession of 5 kidneys! In new, he had a kidney infection and landed up in hospital, which was where they made their bizarre discovery! Even more surprising was the f that they all worked. You would wonder if he might consider donating one, but doctors have advised against it – in case it interferes with his nervous system. \r
5 - Skin Deep… \r
This genetic disorder is called Ichthyosis en confetti, or confetti skin – which sees people suffer with red speckled skin. Its quite rare, and some patients are extremely fortunate that it does sometimes heal itself. Along with itchiness, patients have much thicker skin on the palms of their hands and under the soles of their feet.\r
4 - Dont burst his bubble… \r
Back in 1971 was the year David Vetter was born. His older brother had passed away at just 8-months from a severe combined immune deficiency. David too, was born with the same deficiency. He was placed in a sterile bubble, and they had hoped to do a bone marrow transplant using marrow from his sister, but it wasnt a match. David ended up growing up inside a bubble designed by NASA. He became known as the boy in the bubble. He passed away at the age of 12, and in all that time – never had direct cont with another human.\r
3 - Big-Headed… \r
This is Sain Mumtaz, and its thought that he has the biggest head in the entire world. This is because he suffers from Proteus Syndrome, a very rare condition which sees bones, skin and tissues growing much bigger than normal. \r
2 - Hellboy… \r
Thats what they call Matthias Schlitte from Germany. His right arm is absolutely enormous! His got a rare genetic defect which caused the right arm to grow 33% bigger than the left. He was teased as a kid, but at the age of 16, his mom came home with a flyer looking for arm wrestlers. He signed up, and the rest is history. Hes a 7-time German arm wrestling champ and 14-time international champ! \r
1 – Hes rocking it… \r
Loui Heath Herriot was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, which affects as many as 1 in 50 000 people. His mom had posted an image of him in a lovely item of kids clothin from Lulas Dudes & Dolls, and now this brave toddler will be modelling for them. His condition is very severe, and he has a breathing tube and feeding peg. His mom says he loves posing and hes always a joy to have around.
Subscribe to Talltanic \r
8 - Life is better with a beard… \r
Even if youre a woman! Because then you become quite famous! Meet Vivian Wheeler of Illinois, who has the longest female beard in the world. She suffers from hypertrichosis – and according to reports, started shaving at the age of 7. In 1993 she stopped shaving, and is now the record holder fo the longest beard on a woman. \r
7 - Monkey see, monkey do… \r
This is a bit of a controversial condition called Uner Tan syndrome. Its said people who struggle with it, walk on all fours. Uner Tan from Turkey, spent time studying 5 individuals from a family in rural Turkey, who all walked on their hands and feet. They used primitive speech and had a brain impairment which included disturbed conscious experience. The family were featured on a show on BBC. \r
Its thought to be a genetic mutation, and its like human evolution going in reverse.\r
6 - One too many… \r
This is Brigham Nordstrom, a lawyer from New Zealand, and he has a very unique condition which sees himself being in possession of 5 kidneys! In new, he had a kidney infection and landed up in hospital, which was where they made their bizarre discovery! Even more surprising was the f that they all worked. You would wonder if he might consider donating one, but doctors have advised against it – in case it interferes with his nervous system. \r
5 - Skin Deep… \r
This genetic disorder is called Ichthyosis en confetti, or confetti skin – which sees people suffer with red speckled skin. Its quite rare, and some patients are extremely fortunate that it does sometimes heal itself. Along with itchiness, patients have much thicker skin on the palms of their hands and under the soles of their feet.\r
4 - Dont burst his bubble… \r
Back in 1971 was the year David Vetter was born. His older brother had passed away at just 8-months from a severe combined immune deficiency. David too, was born with the same deficiency. He was placed in a sterile bubble, and they had hoped to do a bone marrow transplant using marrow from his sister, but it wasnt a match. David ended up growing up inside a bubble designed by NASA. He became known as the boy in the bubble. He passed away at the age of 12, and in all that time – never had direct cont with another human.\r
3 - Big-Headed… \r
This is Sain Mumtaz, and its thought that he has the biggest head in the entire world. This is because he suffers from Proteus Syndrome, a very rare condition which sees bones, skin and tissues growing much bigger than normal. \r
2 - Hellboy… \r
Thats what they call Matthias Schlitte from Germany. His right arm is absolutely enormous! His got a rare genetic defect which caused the right arm to grow 33% bigger than the left. He was teased as a kid, but at the age of 16, his mom came home with a flyer looking for arm wrestlers. He signed up, and the rest is history. Hes a 7-time German arm wrestling champ and 14-time international champ! \r
1 – Hes rocking it… \r
Loui Heath Herriot was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, which affects as many as 1 in 50 000 people. His mom had posted an image of him in a lovely item of kids clothin from Lulas Dudes & Dolls, and now this brave toddler will be modelling for them. His condition is very severe, and he has a breathing tube and feeding peg. His mom says he loves posing and hes always a joy to have around.