From small dogs like chihuahuas and zoo animals like gorillas, to wild animals like dolphins and lions, here are the MOST heroic animals you want to see saving the lives of others!
#10 Heroes in small packages, little toy breed, chihuahua. Heroes in small packages!!
When thinking of heroic pets, larger breeds of dogs come to mind, like the German Shepard, Rottweilers or Pitbull dogs used in the k-9 units of many police stations. And even saint Bernard used in the alps to carry medicine. But how about little toy breeds saving the day? In this case, a one year old boy was having a wonderful day sunning and playing in the water with a little Chihuahua keeping an eye on him. When all over the sudden a rattled snake was going to strike the little boy. Before the snake hit its mark, the little dog jumped and interfered with the bite intended for the toddler. Thank goodness nothing happened to either one of them!! The Little Chihuahua became a town hero!!
#9 King of Savings, lions in Ethiopia saving a girl
#8 Saved by the Calf. A Watusi calf saves a woman from a rattle snake
#7 Stuck on you kind of a day
Have you ever been home alone and had an incident whereby thank goodness nothing happened? Like you climbed up a latter and almost felt? How about just plain eating and something getting lodged on you wind pipe? I hope not. In this case, a woman named Debbie was having a relaxing evening and while eating an apple, she started choking on it.
#6 Swimming in danger. Dolphins saving a surfer from a shark
#5 No Monkeying Around.
#4 No Kitting Around. A cat saves a wheelchair bounded man from thieves trying to steal his laptop.
#3 “All My Children”. In
#2 Not so Grizzly End.
#1 Piggyback Allowed!! This is the story of a lady in Penske, Pennsylvania who was saved by a Vietnamese Potbelly pig who would run to the street to stop cars
** All audio provided by provided under the following license agreement.
** All videos provided by provided under the following license agreement.
** The material credited below was used with modifications allowed per the publishing of said material under a CC-BY license as described in this link
Video Creative Commons Attribution Youtube:
Donkey & Cart going over speed bump © channel news (YT)
Heimlich Maneuver Performing The Heimlich Maneuver © liquid ocelot (YT)
1. Ankole- Watusi_Orfeo1 Loco2014 (wikki)
2. Agkistrodon_contortrix contortrix_CDC (wikki)
3. putty tad 3 Richland Animal Rescue
4. putty tad Richland Animal Rescue
#10 Heroes in small packages, little toy breed, chihuahua. Heroes in small packages!!
When thinking of heroic pets, larger breeds of dogs come to mind, like the German Shepard, Rottweilers or Pitbull dogs used in the k-9 units of many police stations. And even saint Bernard used in the alps to carry medicine. But how about little toy breeds saving the day? In this case, a one year old boy was having a wonderful day sunning and playing in the water with a little Chihuahua keeping an eye on him. When all over the sudden a rattled snake was going to strike the little boy. Before the snake hit its mark, the little dog jumped and interfered with the bite intended for the toddler. Thank goodness nothing happened to either one of them!! The Little Chihuahua became a town hero!!
#9 King of Savings, lions in Ethiopia saving a girl
#8 Saved by the Calf. A Watusi calf saves a woman from a rattle snake
#7 Stuck on you kind of a day
Have you ever been home alone and had an incident whereby thank goodness nothing happened? Like you climbed up a latter and almost felt? How about just plain eating and something getting lodged on you wind pipe? I hope not. In this case, a woman named Debbie was having a relaxing evening and while eating an apple, she started choking on it.
#6 Swimming in danger. Dolphins saving a surfer from a shark
#5 No Monkeying Around.
#4 No Kitting Around. A cat saves a wheelchair bounded man from thieves trying to steal his laptop.
#3 “All My Children”. In
#2 Not so Grizzly End.
#1 Piggyback Allowed!! This is the story of a lady in Penske, Pennsylvania who was saved by a Vietnamese Potbelly pig who would run to the street to stop cars
** All audio provided by provided under the following license agreement.
** All videos provided by provided under the following license agreement.
** The material credited below was used with modifications allowed per the publishing of said material under a CC-BY license as described in this link
Video Creative Commons Attribution Youtube:
Donkey & Cart going over speed bump © channel news (YT)
Heimlich Maneuver Performing The Heimlich Maneuver © liquid ocelot (YT)
1. Ankole- Watusi_Orfeo1 Loco2014 (wikki)
2. Agkistrodon_contortrix contortrix_CDC (wikki)
3. putty tad 3 Richland Animal Rescue
4. putty tad Richland Animal Rescue