Our species, Homo sapiens, have only been around for about as long as a blink of an eye in terms of Earths history. Its believed that the Earth formed over 4.6 billion years ago, and the first humans evolved about 200,000 years ago in Africa.\r
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Other TopTenz Videos:\r
10 Animal Species That Would Take Over if Humans Died Out \r
Top 10 Life Forms That Would Survive Nuclear War\r
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Coming up:\r
10. The Columbian Mammoth\r
9. The Ground Sloth\r
8. Gigantopithecus\r
7. The Cave Hyena\r
6. Smilodon\r
5. The Dire Wolf\r
4. The American Lion\r
3. The Megalania\r
2. The Short-Faced Bear\r
1. The Quinkana\r
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Other TopTenz Videos:\r
10 Animal Species That Would Take Over if Humans Died Out \r
Top 10 Life Forms That Would Survive Nuclear War\r
Text version: \r
Coming up:\r
10. The Columbian Mammoth\r
9. The Ground Sloth\r
8. Gigantopithecus\r
7. The Cave Hyena\r
6. Smilodon\r
5. The Dire Wolf\r
4. The American Lion\r
3. The Megalania\r
2. The Short-Faced Bear\r
1. The Quinkana\r
Source/Further reading:\r
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