• 7 years ago
Leroy Colberts Video The Deadlift - Bodybuilding Tips To Get Big: \r
In Leroy Colberts deadlift video, Leroy (first man to build 21 inch arms) states that the deadlift in an old school exercise, and that you do not need it if youre doing squats. We can see the Leroys back was fantastic, despite not doing deadlifts. Leroy is a firm believer of weighted pullups in order to build the lats, and as we can see it clearly worked for him, as well as many others such as the calisthenics guys, gymnasts, and generally people who do weighted pullups.\r
The deadlift is great for raw strength and building up the spinal erectors, but there is little transformation in aesthetics.\r
We see this through Scott Herman from ScottHermanFitness with his 405 deadlift to 505 deadlift, where his physique barely changed despite the strength. We also see this through Maxx Chewning, having huge spinal erectors but small lats.\r
Lastly, we see Chris Jones , and Lui Marco who both have overdeveloped lats that do not do deadlifts, and still have good spinal erectors from accessory work.\r
How big can your spinal erectors get anyway? Will adding 100lbs to your deadlift make them pop out an inch more?\r
Going 405 and beyond will not yield noticable results, as seen through these people here.\r
Lastly, my back is the most overdeveloped, and Im a shitty deadlifter. Although I do weighted pullups with a 90lb dumbbell hanging, which is proof that pullups and rows is all you need for a good back.\r
Leroy Colbert was spot on when he made this video.\r
Music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com


