게임과 현실의 경계가 모호해진 찰리, 교도소게임에 심취해 교도소에 가보자는 아빠의 제안을 덥석 받아 버리는데.대국민 몰카가 되어버린 찰리의 감방체험, 고길동 아빠의 계략에 빠진 욕망어린이 찰리의 슬기로운 감빵생활은 어땠을까요?\r
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Charlie, whose game and reality boundaries are blurred, is thrilled with his fathers proposal to go to real prison. \r
Experience of jail, What is the fate of Charlie?
If the video is interesting, dont forget subscribe / likes.\r
Charlie, whose game and reality boundaries are blurred, is thrilled with his fathers proposal to go to real prison. \r
Experience of jail, What is the fate of Charlie?