Part 1 of 22 of my walkthrough of the game Fairly Oddparents: Breakin Da Rules for the PS2. We start our adventure with Timmy sleeping in his bed. Cosmo and Wanda wake him up. Mom and Dad are going on vacation for the weekend, where theyre APPEARENTLLY not having fun. (Yeah right) Wait, Mom and Dad are away? That means...OH NO!!!! VICKY!!!!!!!! Timmy asks Cosmo and Wanda to stall Vicky, but acording to the rules, they cant be seen by anyone but Timmy. Then Timmy does something stupid. He wishes that they didnt have to follow the rules. Cosmo grants it, and shortly after, Vicky gets the rule book. Now Vicky has Cosmo and Wandas wish powers. Timmy and his fairies get sent to fairy court, where the judge gives Cosmo and Wanda 49 and a half hours to get the rules back, or theyll lose there fairy licenses FOREVER!!!! So thats our mission for this game. We need to get all the pages of the rules back from Vicky, and defeat her. We begin by going through the tutorial.
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