We stayed in Shanghai, China for a few days prior to the cruise; and today Ill be making Cumin Pork Ribs, a very famous dish from a Hunanese restaurant in Shanghai called DiShuiDong.\r
二人份量 For 2 people:\r
排骨8條 - 8 Pork spare ribs\r
薑5片 - 5 slices of ginger\r
蒜7瓣 - 7 cloves of garlic\r
月桂葉2塊 - 2 bay leaves\r
桂皮2塊 - 2 cinnamon barks\r
八角3塊 - 3 star ainse\r
蔥4條 - 4 stalks of spring onions\r
冰糖4塊 - 4 rock sugar\r
紹興酒3/4杯 - 3/4 cup of Shaoxing cooking wine\r
生抽醬油3/4杯 - 3/4 cup of light soy sauce\r
水4杯 - 4 cups of water\r
老抽醬油2茶匙 - 2tsp of dark soy sauce\r
紅辣椒4條 - 4 red chilis\r
薑蓉1湯匙 - 1tbsp of grated ginger\r
辣椒片1茶匙 (隨意) - 1tsp of chili flakes (optional)\r
白胡椒粉少量 - pinch of white pepper\r
孜然種子3茶匙 - 3tsp of cumin seeds
We stayed in Shanghai, China for a few days prior to the cruise; and today Ill be making Cumin Pork Ribs, a very famous dish from a Hunanese restaurant in Shanghai called DiShuiDong.\r
二人份量 For 2 people:\r
排骨8條 - 8 Pork spare ribs\r
薑5片 - 5 slices of ginger\r
蒜7瓣 - 7 cloves of garlic\r
月桂葉2塊 - 2 bay leaves\r
桂皮2塊 - 2 cinnamon barks\r
八角3塊 - 3 star ainse\r
蔥4條 - 4 stalks of spring onions\r
冰糖4塊 - 4 rock sugar\r
紹興酒3/4杯 - 3/4 cup of Shaoxing cooking wine\r
生抽醬油3/4杯 - 3/4 cup of light soy sauce\r
水4杯 - 4 cups of water\r
老抽醬油2茶匙 - 2tsp of dark soy sauce\r
紅辣椒4條 - 4 red chilis\r
薑蓉1湯匙 - 1tbsp of grated ginger\r
辣椒片1茶匙 (隨意) - 1tsp of chili flakes (optional)\r
白胡椒粉少量 - pinch of white pepper\r
孜然種子3茶匙 - 3tsp of cumin seeds