• 7 years ago
Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli have created some of the most memorable animated movies, from Princess Mononoke to Spirited Away, they have created some of the most moving and beautiful films ever made.

The studio has mastered the art of anime cinema but rarely steps outside of its wheelhouse, which is why Ni No Kuni was such a big deal — having been made in partnership with the studio. While they weren’t involved in the game sequel, the gaming world could really sue an injection of the Miyazaki’s aesthetics and creativity.

 However, the animator and studio don’t’ actually have the best history with video games. Several games in the past were made in honor of his movies, but they obviously didn’t do the animation justice at all. Miyazaki actually doesn’t even like the concept of technology and has scorned it in past interviews.

But it’s hard to deny that the concepts and characters in his films wouldn’t make for great video games. First of all, they are so visual, they don’t necessarily need to be understood via language — which is why they would make for great interactive games. He also explores a lot of concepts that would by refreshing for the gaming world — like an anti-war rhetoric, awesome female leads and the overall motif od finding humanity in a fantasy world.


