• 7 years ago
Showcasing the versatility of Hendrick's gin, this refreshing cocktail marries cucumber, coriander, lemon, and an unexpected splash of green chile liquor. Mixologist Charlotte Voisey shows you how to make this botanical stunner. Small Screen delivers beautifully crafted videos about cocktails, bartending, mixology, food and cooking, each and every week. SUBSCRIBE to Small Screen: http://bit.ly/MF8FOT The Proper Pour on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theproperpour/ Small Screen on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/15F6PwT Small Screen on Twitter: http://bit.ly/16Drsuj Small Screen on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/18lxkp9 Recipe: 1.75 oz Hendrick's gin .25 oz Ancho Reyes Verde .75 oz Cucumber syrup .75 oz Fresh lemon juice .5 oz Corn juice Garnish: Micro cilantro and a cucumber blossom
