• 7 years ago
New nurse time management tips and advice: I will discuss some new nurse tips and tricks for time management you can use as a new nurse. Many new nurses struggle with time management issues during the first six months on the job. The reason is because most new nurse graduates are trying to develop a nursing routine that works for them while trying to learn how to be a nurse. It can be overwhelming for the new nurse and they may find themselves feeling like you dont have enough time to get their job done. Some signs and symptoms of time management issues can include: rushing to get everything done at the end of the shift, forgetting to complete tasks, clocking out late all the time, never getting breaks, always needing help, and feeling so overwhelmed with the job that you want to quit. Some tips to help you become better with time management include: asking the right questions in report, creating a sheet to help you keep track of your day, set goals of when things should be completed, try to streamline medication administration times, take it hour-by-hour and dont think about it all at once, and know that experience helps with time management. Dont forget to check out my video on how to deal with new nurse anxiety.\r
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