• 8 years ago
Endingmania 7 (Unused 2017 endings)

Here's the cream of the crop of unused endings that have been submitted in 2017. Some them good, some bad, but all made with love. Er I think. Anyway, I wanted to start fresh in 2018 with a cleared-up ENDINGS folder so I can make more Simpsons jokes.

List of Credits...
Douglas Scarpa for the Monty Python ending
CoverTimePete for the Pokemon Go ending
Nathan Brittles for the NEW WHO IS BAD ending
Bradley James for the Reigns ambulance ending
Charles Chase for I'm A Loser ending
Phillip Broadnax Jr. for the Orton/Rusev ending
Shroommeister for the Strider ending
BeAwesomeOne for WHO LET THE DOG'S OUT ending
BigDaddyWarbuxx for the Goldberg ending
Kimijb17 for the TIME TO STOP ending
Jenn Dil for the Beetlejuice ending
Boolet 80D for the Sheamus is bright ending
NotRealFake1 for the Sootie ending
Whatisalorde for the Barney ending
Adam Coville for The WestWorld ending that I didn't want to use to risk spoiling the show for anyone (like I did when I used that GOT ending)
Ben Spanton for the Cesaro ending
EvilAsMoDean for the JoJo ending
Cyprian Bowlding for the Jaws II ending
StandTheDryBear for the PUT IT IN HHH ending
PichuAndFreud for the other JoJo ending
Youssif Khalid for that meme ending
SteveSlaughter for TLCats ending
Dion Gleeson for the Scott Steiner SmashMouth ending
Maffew for the Firefly, Lion King, Fleetwood Mac, Lio Rush No-Selling, TRASH, Kool-Aid, Fashion Files, Countdown, Mae Young Classic, Machine Head, P.O.D. and other bad endings

Some of these weren't used as they were too similar to other endings (I'd already done a Monty Python running joke for Baron's entrance in Rumble 2017), puns that had ran their course (HONK HONK, Brie Mode, GLORIOUS etc.), too niche (Countdown, Filthy Frank) or too long (Steiner Smashmouth). It's weird that there's now so many botches in wrestling, fifteen minutes is sometimes a restriction so I have to be picky with endings.

If one of your endings is here and think ''shit, it wasn't good enough for Botchamania'', don't feel bad. The endings that DIDN'T make it were the ones that weren't good enough.

So thanks for sending them in, if people enjoy them then people will be happy they at least appeared in this video, if people don't like them then people will think I'm smart for not including them in Botchamania. HA HA I WIN.