• 5 years ago
Umka performs live for BalconyTV Crimea
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Anna Gerasimova (born 19 April 1961, Moscow), also known by her nickname Umka , is a Russian rock singer-songwriter, the leader of the group Umka and Bronevik. She is also a poet, literary translator, literature researcher, traveler and a significant person in the Russian hippie movement.
Songs written and sung by Umka have become well-known among the Soviet hippies since 1986. In 1986-87 she recorded five homemade albums with different musicians, and these albums have been widely spread on tapes in the USSR and abroad.
In 1988 she stopped writing songs and switched to philological work and translations; in 1989 she defended her Ph.D. dissertation about OBERIU literary group. In 1995 she returned to active song-writing and performing. She started to perform with occasional musicians in a number of concerts and recorded several homemade albums. Eventually her band has gained the name Bronevichok ("Small Armored Vehicle"; in 2005 the name was changed to Bronevik, "Armored Vehicle").
The first studio album by Umka & Bronevichok was released on tapes in 1997; the first compact disc titled The CD was released in 1998. In these years they have been generally considered as 'underground' musicians, though never willing to remain underground.
Since 1998 about 20 albums were released on CDs. Umka and her band travel extensively; they toured in many cities of the former USSR and many countries aboard (USA, United Kingdom, Israel, Germany, Netherlands). The total number of published songs is above 250; many songs were never released.

Анна Георгиевна Герасимова, она же У?мка (род. 19 апреля 1961, Москва) — российская певица, рок-музыкант, поэт, литературовед, литературный переводчик.
С конца 1990-х годов Умка, одна или с музыкантами, много ездит по стране и за её пределами, давая свыше ста концертов в год. Концерты бывают в основном трёх типов:
Электричество: группа «Умка и Броневик» (изредка полный состав играет акустику).
Акустика в две гитары: Умка с гитаристом Борей Канунниковым.
Умка в одиночку исполняет песни под акустическую гитару; в программу часто входит чтение стихов («стишков»).
Концерты проходят в клубах, на открытых площадках, иногда устраиваются квартирники. Широко известна политика Умки по максимально возможному снижению входной платы, «чтобы могли попасть те, у кого нет денег» — вплоть до проведения концертов с бесплатным входом и сбором денег у желающих их дать.
Кроме многочисленных городов стран бывшего СССР, концерты проходили в Германии, США, Израиле, Нидерландах, Великобритании, Чехии, Польше, Финляндии.

Band website: http://umka.ru

BalconyTV Crimea Team:
Dmitry Morozov - team leader, sound engineering, presenter.
Yolly - presenter
Andrey Tymchuk - camera
Alexander Prokopenko - camera, video editing
Leonid Alexandrov - photography, PR
Olya Martynyuk - photography

Tune in again to BalconyTV Crimea!

