• 6 years ago
ANTIPRISMA performs the song "E NÃO PRECISO DE MAIS NADA" for BalconyTV.
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Antiprisma is a duo from São Paolo formed by Elisa Moreira and Victor José since April 2013.

After some time searching for a solid musical indentity, Antiprisma presented its music online through homemade recordings, which sparked the attention of many alternative music specialized media. As a result, the duo was pointed as one of the bands to keep your eyes on in 2014.

By the end of 2013, the duo has signed with independent label Mono.Tune Records and in April of 2014, Antiprisma released online its first professional material, “Antiprisma EP”, produced by Filipe C., who has also been responsable for debuts of the band Vitreaux and Eduardo Barreto.

The essencially acoustic sound sustained by vocal harmonies has won the simpathy of the public and critics, which praised the musical quality present in the four tracks of the EP. Antiprisma's music was many times referred as sounding like brazilian regional music, sixties folk rock or even psychedelic.

“Antiprisma EP” was finally pointed as one of the best releases of 2014 by music blogs and independant media, giving Antiprisma a definite spot on brazilian independant music.

The duo is currently focusing on the recording of its first album to be released later this year of 2015. The album is being produced by Diego Oliveira, who also carries the work of artists like Arthur Mattos, Benjamin and Bardo e o Banjo.

'E Não Preciso de Mais Nada' is their autoral song, second track of the debut 'Antiprisma EP', released in 2014 in digital format by the label Mono.Tune Records.

Elisa Moreira - acoustic guitar/vocal
Victor José - acoustic guitar/vocal


Listen to the song 'Você Imagina Demais': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl3t76ihQE8


Production, Booking & Script: UK Live Sessions Music Entertainment Projects & PR
Cam-op: Keila Antunes and Caue Patucci
Mixer Engineer & Music Production: Rafael DG - Audmo
Presenter: David Ferreira *Lucky Lupe
Photographers: Keila Antunes and Caue Patucci
View Location: Centro Cultural São Paulo - http://www.centrocultural.sp.gov.br/

Centro Cultural São Paulo - http://www.centrocultural.sp.gov.br/

Equipment by Nikon - http://www.nikon.com.br

Beverages by Bier & Wein - http://www.bierwein.com.br/
Feel Good Tea and Sufresh by Wow Nutrition - http://www.wownutrition.com.br/
Catering Tyrrell's by Latinex - http://www.latinex.com.br/

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