• 8 years ago
: free from guile : innocent
2 a : free from vanity : modest
b : free from ostentation or display a simple outfit
3 : of humble origin or modest position a simple farmer
4 a : lacking in knowledge or expertise a simple amateur of the arts
b (1) : stupid (2) : mentally retarded
c : not socially or culturally sophisticated : naive; also : credulous
5 a : sheer, unmixed simple honesty
b : free of secondary complications a simple vitamin deficiency
c (1) : having only one main clause and no subordinate clauses a simple sentence (2) of a subject or predicate : having no modifiers, complements, or objects
d : constituting a basic element : fundamental
e : not made up of many like units a simple eye
6 : free from elaboration or figuration simple harmony
7 a (1) : not subdivided into branches or leaflets a simple stem a simple leaf (2) : consisting of a single carpel (3) : developing from a single ovary a simple fruit
b : controlled by a single gene simple inherited characters
8 : not limited or restricted : unconditional a simple obligation
9 : readily understood or performed simple directions the adjustment was simple to make
10 of a statistical hypothesis : specifying exact values for one or more statistical parameters — compare composite 3