Logging truck crossing bridge like a boss.This Is Video Compilation 8/03/2017 Oh Wow! Ultimate Heavy Logging Truck Fails Win Follow us on Plus.google↘ https://plus.google.com/b/111356639725747388177/ ...
Epic truck driving like a boss compilation. Awesome videos of truck mudding and extreme river crossings. New funny fails and awesome wins are coming up every week on FunStation channel. SUBSCRIBE...
Where we're going, we don't need roads. Meanwhile in Russia. Join Us On Facebook /MeanwhileRussia Автор: keyzikeyzi /user/keyzikeyzi Follow...
38 Examples of Idiots Driving Truck, The Truck Driver Is a Boss!!! PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!!! Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions....
Logging truck crossing bridge like a boss in France.
Epic truck driving like a boss compilation. Awesome videos of truck mudding and extreme river crossings. New funny fails and awesome wins are coming up every week on FunStation channel. SUBSCRIBE...
Where we're going, we don't need roads. Meanwhile in Russia. Join Us On Facebook /MeanwhileRussia Автор: keyzikeyzi /user/keyzikeyzi Follow...
38 Examples of Idiots Driving Truck, The Truck Driver Is a Boss!!! PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!!! Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws of the road and driving conditions....
Logging truck crossing bridge like a boss in France.