Grupo De Facebook:\r
---- YDK Black Luster Soldier ----:\r
Decks Actualizados:\r
Cards HD:\r
Parte 1: \r
Parte 2:\r
Parte 3:\r
Parte 4:\r
Parte 5:\r
Para descargar Deck e imagenes en los siguientes links:\r
(Deck and images for download at the following links)\r
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Sonidos(Sound) ygopro:\r
Textures ygopro:\r
Black Luster Soldier Deck List:\r
Monsters (20):\r
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning\r
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight\r
Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight x2\r
Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight\r
Manju of the Thousand Hands x3\r
Evening Twilight Knight x2\r
Sphere Kuriboh x2\r
Black Luster Soldier x2\r
Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier x2\r
Saffira, Queen of Dragons x2\r
Maxx C x2\r
Spell Cards (15):\r
Instant Fusion\r
Pre-Preparation of Rites x3\r
Terraforming \r
Dark World Dealings\r
Super Soldier Ritual\r
Black Luster Ritual x2\r
Hymn of Light x2\r
Gateway to Chaos x2\r
Twin Twister \r
Trap Cards (5):\r
Reckless Greed x2\r
Vanitys Emptiness\r
Solemn Strike\r
Solemn Warning\r
Extra Deck (15):\r
Galaxy Eyes Full Armor Phantom Dragon\r
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon\r
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy\r
Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon\r
Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand\r
Number 23: Lancelot, Ghost Knight of the Underworld\r
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon\r
Number 39: Utopia Beyond\r
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal\r
Elder Entity Norden \r
Number S39: Utopìa the Lightning \r
Number c39: Utopia Ray\r
Numer 39: Utopia \r
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon\r
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
Grupo De Facebook:\r
---- YDK Black Luster Soldier ----:\r
Decks Actualizados:\r
Cards HD:\r
Parte 1: \r
Parte 2:\r
Parte 3:\r
Parte 4:\r
Parte 5:\r
Para descargar Deck e imagenes en los siguientes links:\r
(Deck and images for download at the following links)\r
Download Wallpaper:\r
Sonidos(Sound) ygopro:\r
Textures ygopro:\r
Black Luster Soldier Deck List:\r
Monsters (20):\r
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning\r
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight\r
Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight x2\r
Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight\r
Manju of the Thousand Hands x3\r
Evening Twilight Knight x2\r
Sphere Kuriboh x2\r
Black Luster Soldier x2\r
Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier x2\r
Saffira, Queen of Dragons x2\r
Maxx C x2\r
Spell Cards (15):\r
Instant Fusion\r
Pre-Preparation of Rites x3\r
Terraforming \r
Dark World Dealings\r
Super Soldier Ritual\r
Black Luster Ritual x2\r
Hymn of Light x2\r
Gateway to Chaos x2\r
Twin Twister \r
Trap Cards (5):\r
Reckless Greed x2\r
Vanitys Emptiness\r
Solemn Strike\r
Solemn Warning\r
Extra Deck (15):\r
Galaxy Eyes Full Armor Phantom Dragon\r
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon\r
Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy\r
Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon\r
Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand\r
Number 23: Lancelot, Ghost Knight of the Underworld\r
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon\r
Number 39: Utopia Beyond\r
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal\r
Elder Entity Norden \r
Number S39: Utopìa the Lightning \r
Number c39: Utopia Ray\r
Numer 39: Utopia \r
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon\r
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
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