Plants vs Zombies 2 New Premium Video of PvZ 2 where i comparing two plants: Premium Cus vs free Laser Bean. Plantas Contra Zombies 2 Edition.\r
PvZ 2\r
Cus is a combative, projectile-based plant that was first introduced in Plants vs. Zombies. In Plants vs. Zombies, it is essentially a Peashooter that shoots spikes, with the distinction of being able to stretch upwards vertically to pop Balloon Zombies balloons. The damage it deals is the same amount as a Peashooter.\r
On the other hand, in Plants vs. Zombies 2, where it is a premium plant which is advertised alongside Neon Mixtape Tour Side A, it shoots a spike that goes through two or three zombies, and then hides when zombies are close to it while dealing ground damage similar to Spikeweed. Each spike deals 1.5 normal damage shots, piercing up to three zombies, and the ground damage deals the same damage as the Spikeweeds. Jester Zombies can deflect shots from the Cus, but cannot deflect shots from a Cus that is fed with Plant Food.\r
Cuses shoot spikes that can hit both ground and air targets.\r
Damage: normal\r
Range: ground and air\r
Shes prickly, sure, but Cuss spikes belie a spongy heart filled with love and goodwill. She just wants to hug and be hugged. Most folks cant hang with that, but Cus doesnt mind. Shes been seeing an armadillo for a while and it really seems to be working out.\r
Cost: 125\r
Recharge: fast\r
Plants vs. Zombies 2\r
Sun cost: 175\r
PvZ 2 \r
Laser Bean is the first plant obtained in Far Future in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Every 3 seconds, it will fire a blue laser beam down the entire lane its in, dealing 2 normal damage shots worth of damage to every zombie. The beam cannot be blocked or reflected, and does not hurt enemies protected by Glitter Zombies rainbow.\r
Almanac entry\r
Sun cost: 200\r
DAMAGE: Moderate\r
RANGE: Multi-Hit\r
Laser Beans fire down a lane, hitting all zombies ahead of it.\r
Range: All zombies in a lane\r
After a laser eye surgery had gone horribly right, Laser Bean gained a sense of purpose and a new-found affinity for competitive staring contests.\r
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More info about the game:\r
Plants vs Zombies 2\r
Platforms: IOS, Android\r
Publisher: EA - Electronic Arts\r
Developer: PopCap Games\r
Plants vs Zombies 2 Every Plant Power UP\r
Thanks for every Like, Share, and Comment!\r
Primal Gameplay Plants vs Zombies 2
PvZ 2\r
Cus is a combative, projectile-based plant that was first introduced in Plants vs. Zombies. In Plants vs. Zombies, it is essentially a Peashooter that shoots spikes, with the distinction of being able to stretch upwards vertically to pop Balloon Zombies balloons. The damage it deals is the same amount as a Peashooter.\r
On the other hand, in Plants vs. Zombies 2, where it is a premium plant which is advertised alongside Neon Mixtape Tour Side A, it shoots a spike that goes through two or three zombies, and then hides when zombies are close to it while dealing ground damage similar to Spikeweed. Each spike deals 1.5 normal damage shots, piercing up to three zombies, and the ground damage deals the same damage as the Spikeweeds. Jester Zombies can deflect shots from the Cus, but cannot deflect shots from a Cus that is fed with Plant Food.\r
Cuses shoot spikes that can hit both ground and air targets.\r
Damage: normal\r
Range: ground and air\r
Shes prickly, sure, but Cuss spikes belie a spongy heart filled with love and goodwill. She just wants to hug and be hugged. Most folks cant hang with that, but Cus doesnt mind. Shes been seeing an armadillo for a while and it really seems to be working out.\r
Cost: 125\r
Recharge: fast\r
Plants vs. Zombies 2\r
Sun cost: 175\r
PvZ 2 \r
Laser Bean is the first plant obtained in Far Future in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Every 3 seconds, it will fire a blue laser beam down the entire lane its in, dealing 2 normal damage shots worth of damage to every zombie. The beam cannot be blocked or reflected, and does not hurt enemies protected by Glitter Zombies rainbow.\r
Almanac entry\r
Sun cost: 200\r
DAMAGE: Moderate\r
RANGE: Multi-Hit\r
Laser Beans fire down a lane, hitting all zombies ahead of it.\r
Range: All zombies in a lane\r
After a laser eye surgery had gone horribly right, Laser Bean gained a sense of purpose and a new-found affinity for competitive staring contests.\r
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More info about the game:\r
Plants vs Zombies 2\r
Platforms: IOS, Android\r
Publisher: EA - Electronic Arts\r
Developer: PopCap Games\r
Plants vs Zombies 2 Every Plant Power UP\r
Thanks for every Like, Share, and Comment!\r
Primal Gameplay Plants vs Zombies 2
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