llustrator Tutorial\r
Thanks for watching, dont forget to like this video and Subscribe my channel for more videos. You can request what tutorial should i make for the next videos in the comments below or in my FP about Ai, Ae, Ps, Gimp, Vp13, and more.. Ill make it if i can :D (Sorry for my bad english)\r
Note : if you have a question, you can ask me in the comments below..\r
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- AlRayn Arts -
Thanks for watching, dont forget to like this video and Subscribe my channel for more videos. You can request what tutorial should i make for the next videos in the comments below or in my FP about Ai, Ae, Ps, Gimp, Vp13, and more.. Ill make it if i can :D (Sorry for my bad english)\r
Note : if you have a question, you can ask me in the comments below..\r
Follow me on Instagram :\r
like my FP : \r
- AlRayn Arts -
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