Loads of Monster Trucks for children in this Geckos Garage video. Max the Monster Truck is trying to break the new world record by jumping over as many vehicles and big trucks as possible. All of his friends are here to help out too! Learn to count with Max The Monster Truck and subscribe to our lovely Toddler Fun Learning Channel \r
Max jumps over all sorts of vehicles and big trucks including Fiona The Fire Truck, Larry The Lorry, Rebecca The Recycling Truck and Bobby The Bus.\r
Watch the rest of the Geckos Garagenext: \r
Or watch Number Farm Days Of The Week \r
Animated by Chay Hawes\r
Toddler Fun Learning makes fun, free and educational videos, nursery rhymes, stories and songs for toddlers all over the world.
Max jumps over all sorts of vehicles and big trucks including Fiona The Fire Truck, Larry The Lorry, Rebecca The Recycling Truck and Bobby The Bus.\r
Watch the rest of the Geckos Garagenext: \r
Or watch Number Farm Days Of The Week \r
Animated by Chay Hawes\r
Toddler Fun Learning makes fun, free and educational videos, nursery rhymes, stories and songs for toddlers all over the world.
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