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RIO 2016 - An Olympic Nightmare\r
Rio 2016s battle to convince athletes and visitors that the city will be safe from Zika-carrying mosquitoes has led to it signing the Olympics first-ever insect repellent partner. SC Johnsons OFF! brand, a widely-used repellent in Brazil, will have an official role at the games that begin Aug. 5, with thousands of bottles distributed to athletes, staff and volunteers as part of the agreement, according to a company statement. Several athletes, including some of the worlds most well-known golfers, have pulled out of the competition citing concerns about Zika, even after the World Health Organization said the risk of catching the virus during Rios winter months was low. Its almost that time again when the torch is lit and all of humanity rejoices in the glory of…..wait…whats this? Welcome to Hell?\r
The Independent reports “emergency responders have a message for travelers arriving to the city just ahead of the $10 Billion 2016 RIO Olympics: “Welcome to hell”.\r
“Police and firefighters dont get paid, whoever comes to Rio de Janeiro will not be safe,” the sign reads. Zika, which bioterrorism expert Dr. Francis A. Boyle described as a souped-up bioweapon, could spread to thousands of international tourists visiting the upcoming Rio de Janeiro Olympics and lead to martial law scenarios across the world.\r
Zika is rapidly spreading throughout Rio de Janeiro, with scientists baffled by this “new, different, and vastly more dangerous” strain thats overwhelming the Brazilian militarys efforts to contain the disease, yet both the International Olympic Committee and the World Health Organization are severely downplaying the risk of Zika. With just three months until Games begin, the Brazilian national Olympics RIO Rio 2016 Rio Olympics Tourist Athletics Athletes Rio De Janeiro Safe Safety Crisis Economy Travel Brazil World Global Secure Security Paralympics News Media Entertainment USA Great Britain Team Venue Ticket Tickets Sport Sports Money Games Rio Hotel Emergency ZIKA South America world Team USA Hotel Room Venue Beach Rio Beach Future Stadium Elite NWO Agenda false flag prediction illuminati symbolism end game third term obama 3rd term new world order montagraph alex jones infowars gerald celente david icke coast to coast am aliens intelligence agency said the country is preparing for all eventualities. \r
Rio de Janeiros governor declared a state of financial emergency Friday and requested federal funds to help fulfill obligations for public services during the Olympics that start Aug. 5.\r
Emergency measures are needed to avoid “a total collapse in public security, health, education, transport and environmental management,” a decree in the states Official Gazette said.\r
The states revenue, largely tied to the petroleum industry, slumped in the last two years as global oil prices collapsed.\r
The announcement followed this weeks visit to Rio by Brazils Interim President Michel Temer, who said the federal government would ensure all obligations are met for a successful Games. 400 ‘Robocop style military police set to patrol the World Cup in Brazil next month closely resemble the cops depicted in Terry Gilliams cult 1985 classic film Brazil, in which a totalitarian government rules a dystopian society with a bureaucratic iron fist.
