We love Sofia the First on Disney Junior! See all of our Surprise videos Please Subscribe Here \r
Disney Junior Sofia the First has become a huge hit for young girls (and some boys too). In this video we review the Disney Junior Sofia the First Styling Head.\r
The Sofia the First Styling Head has lots of very cool features. It is has thick luxurious hair, a hair dryer that sounds like a real hair dryer, and a talking musical amulet. Our four year old daughter loves all of the things you can do with her hair.\r
TheEngineeringFamily has loads of family friendly content\r
In this Playlist The Assistant goes on adventure with Scooby Doo, Paw Patrol, Funny Pig, Disney Frozen, and Doc McStuffins \r
Everyone loves to see TheEngineeringFamily and The Assistant open up Surprise Eggs - check out this play list and catch up on any that you may have missed \r
If you like Nickelodeons Paw Patrol you will want to check out this Playlist \r
Everyone likes to play with Play Doh - see all of TheEngineeringFamily collection of Play Doh videos \r
Of course we have lots of videos featuring Disney Frozen and Queen Elsa
Disney Junior Sofia the First has become a huge hit for young girls (and some boys too). In this video we review the Disney Junior Sofia the First Styling Head.\r
The Sofia the First Styling Head has lots of very cool features. It is has thick luxurious hair, a hair dryer that sounds like a real hair dryer, and a talking musical amulet. Our four year old daughter loves all of the things you can do with her hair.\r
TheEngineeringFamily has loads of family friendly content\r
In this Playlist The Assistant goes on adventure with Scooby Doo, Paw Patrol, Funny Pig, Disney Frozen, and Doc McStuffins \r
Everyone loves to see TheEngineeringFamily and The Assistant open up Surprise Eggs - check out this play list and catch up on any that you may have missed \r
If you like Nickelodeons Paw Patrol you will want to check out this Playlist \r
Everyone likes to play with Play Doh - see all of TheEngineeringFamily collection of Play Doh videos \r
Of course we have lots of videos featuring Disney Frozen and Queen Elsa
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