• 8 years ago
Doklam Standoff - Anticipating Chinese Treachery, India Positions 45,000 troops along China Border.
Air Force on Alert in case of attack

Closed Talks Between India & China have failed.

India has increased the number of troops to 45000& moved them along the border with China.

An operational alert for the Air Force has also been announced in the North East.

The Border which is a 3,488 km long border stretches across five states i.e Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
India and China stand face to face, for war if needed.

In order to be prepared for the worst, the Sukna based 33 Corps have amped its annual war exercise operation alert by six weeks, thus making it ready for an attack if things got worse.
The 4 Corps based in Tezpur and 3 Corps based in Dimapur have been put on alert as well.
As per reports, the Indian Soldiers and armaments have already started making their move towards the operation areas to tighten the security.
The three Corps that defends the borders stands guard from the Siliguri Corridor, all the way to Arunachal Pradesh, which in terms of distance would sum to about 1,400km.
According to defence experts, roughly 45,000 troops including personnel having completed the weather acclimatisation process are kept ready along the border.
According to media reports, the Indian Army has asked villagers living in Nathang village to immediately vacate their houses. Nathang is just 35 km from Doklam.
India is "behaving like a mature power" in the Doklam standoff in the Sikkim section and making China look like an adolescent throwing a tamper tantrum, a top American defence expert has said.
