• 8 years ago
I seem to have a thing for tragic couples. :D I really enjoyed Ying Kong Shi and Yan Das story from the drama Ice Fantasy and its sequel Ice Fantasy Destiny.
Musica de fondo . love song miss a.
Disclaimer: Song: You know He never love you – Thalia (Amar sin ser amada) Drama: Ice Fantasy Destiny (幻城凡世 Ⱂ集/ Huan Cheng) Copyright Disclaimer .
Ice Fantasy - Ying Kong Shi and Yan Da Its not mine. Ice Fantasy original Song .
WATCH HD 1080p *WARNING SPOILERS ALERT! ∘ PROGRAM ; sony vegas pro. 9 ∘ DRAMA ; Ice Fantasy (幻城) ∘ SHIP ; YING KONG SHI & YAN DA .


