• 8 years ago
Bingo Dog Song | Nursery Rhymes | Baby Songs | Kids Rhymes | Childrens Videos From Dave and Ava
BINGO Dog Song – new nursery rhyme from Dave and Ava!
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Bingo Dog Song | Nursery Rhymes | Baby Songs | Kids Rhymes | Childrens Videos From Dave and Ava
“Bingo” is a spelling-song for toddlers - in this nursery rhyme the same verse is repeated, spelling the word B-I-N-G-O. BINGO dog song helps kids build concentration and memory skills while they have fun!
Kids love the BINGO dog song!

Dave and Ava is a series of 3D animated nursery rhymes especially for young children, ages 1-4. Each episode features a toddler boy and a toddler girl dressed as a puppy and a kitten, and their animal friends.

Our nursery rhymes teach little ones ABCs, numbers, shapes, colors, parts of the body and more!
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