• 8 years ago
My Lime Crime Unicorn Hair tutorial is finally here! I used the color 'Bunny' - which isn't quite a hot pink, but not as light as a pastel pink. Probably somewhere in between - kind of like a bubblegum pink. The video is pretty self explanatory, but if you guys have any specific questions - please please ask, but it was super easy to do on my own!

I start with a very light base as you can see and just paint it on! Keep watching the color - I saw mine was getting very bright and decided to wash it out about 5 min early. If your hair is darker, you can definitely leave it longer so it takes the color deposit. Its just temporary color and won't damage your hair - so you can leave it on an hour+ if need be!

Bonus - this is hands down the best SMELLING hair color I've ever used! Ive used quite a few brands now (Wella Colormatic, Pravana, Manic Panic, etc) and some smell strong/like chemicals. This one smells delicious - kind of sweet and a little perfumey (but in a good way!) It is my favorite, by FAR!

Review: I absolutely give this product two thumbs up! I probably won't use anything else. 'Bunny' left my hair the prettiest pink, was easy to use and the color was pretty even, and it smelled great.

ProTip: Temporary color rinses out very easily! To prolong color, wash hair every few days and use a dry shampoo in between and try to use lukewarm to cool water (its torture I know, but if you use hot, bye bye color!)

I am going to try the color 'SEXT' next (its a smoky amethyst shade) - I will report back!

Have you seen my last video?: http://bit.ly/2o2di49

Subscribe to my channel here! - http://www.dailymotion.com/missyarmosh

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ALL BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: rachelyarmosh@yahoo.com

See you in the next one...

