• 8 years ago
System76, a Linux-focused computer retailer, graciously invited me to visit their company headquarters in Denver, CO last month. As part of the Superfan 2: Legend of the Lake event, I got to see the office, speak with the employees, and meet other Linux users who buy from System76. In this video, I'll talk about the experience, show hands-on footage for each of System76's products, and discuss the new projects that System76 is working on behind the scenes.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to System76 for inviting me out to this event! I had a great time, I learned a lot about the company, and I'm definitely planning to buy from System76 again in the future. Go to https://system76.com/ to learn more about System76.

Also, a special thank-you to Sam for helping me record a large portion of this video! You can find Sam's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3d1sQq6JmCXNWCrYs38srw

Be sure to also take a look at Jay's channel! He has an excellent tour of the office and interviews with System76 staff members in his video here: https://youtu.be/80zhEF1zrw8

You can find all of the Superfans and their creations on the System76 blog here: http://blog.system76.com/post/156375222453/winners-of-second-superfan-contest

My two entries into the contest were Displaced (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x40cbpd_behind-the-scenes-editing-displaced-season-2_fun) and Extra Life 2016 (https://imgur.com/a/EJI96).
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