• 8 years ago
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Intelligent Transport System ITS.

An intelligent Transport system is an application of technology. ITS is the integration of communication technology and computation devices. It provides important information, security, safety, and efficiency. It links people, Road, and vehicles.

Conventional Transport system.
Transportation problems in big cities are growing with the increase in urban population. Traffic jam is a very big problem of big cities.

Why ITS?

An intelligent transport system ITS is an affordable and practical solution for this problem. It is also called next generation of transportation. It is

Safe (speed detection, wrong way, Congestion)
Technology Implementation.

ITS implementation is the integration of advanced technologies like:

Wireless communication (Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G, 4G)
Computational Technology (Microprocessor)
Sensing Technology. (WSN)
Video Vehicle detection technology (Image processing)
Smart Vehicle (Sense, Compute and Communicate)
The incident detection center.
Vehicle information system.

Intelligent transport system

It is not a single system.It is a bunch of systems.

Traffic Flow System.
Automatic Traffic Enforcement System.
Collision Prevention System (Forward and Backward).
Surrounding Vehicle Detection System.
Vehicle Classification System.
Parking Information System
Revenue Collection System.

ITS Challenges

End User
Big data
