[블락비 멤버 중 여동생이 있다면 소개시켜 주고 싶은 멤버는?]
“정말 정말 없지만... 굳이 뽑으라면...”
과연 블락비 멤버 중 가장 자상한 멤버는 누구일까요?
그렇다면, 검증시간!!!
(블락비 바스타즈 멤버들이 오빠라면??)
[If you have a younger sister, which member of BlockB would you introduce to?]
“I really don’t want to show my sister...but if you say I had to then....”
Who is the most caring member of BlockB?
If so, it’s check back time!!
What if BlockB BASTARZ members were older (oppa)?
Situation play!!
“정말 정말 없지만... 굳이 뽑으라면...”
과연 블락비 멤버 중 가장 자상한 멤버는 누구일까요?
그렇다면, 검증시간!!!
(블락비 바스타즈 멤버들이 오빠라면??)
[If you have a younger sister, which member of BlockB would you introduce to?]
“I really don’t want to show my sister...but if you say I had to then....”
Who is the most caring member of BlockB?
If so, it’s check back time!!
What if BlockB BASTARZ members were older (oppa)?
Situation play!!