Madhuri Dixit and Juhi Chawla will be sharing screen space, for the very first time, in Anubhav Sinha's upcoming production venture Gulaab Gang and though they were rivals in the past, today the Bollywood divas have only good things to say about each other. When asked about their experience working with each other in the film, while Madhuri said that she thoroughly enjoyed working with Juhi, Chawla said that the dhak dhak girl has been her favourite co-star. "Madhuri has been my best co-star. It was wonderful working with her and what I really liked was that just before we started shooting Soumik brought both of us to the office and then he left the room and only me and Madhuri were left and I think that's where the ice broke and we got chatting because prior to this we never really interacted. It was only limited to pleasantries and that day we got to know each other and the next day the shooting started and I think that exercise really helped and from then on it was wonderful," said Juhi. Madhuri added, "It was great working with Juhi ji. Though there are a lot of scenes in the film, where there is a lot of tashan between us but till the time there is no warmth on the sets it's difficult to work. I just enjoyed working with her and hope that I get to work with her again." Directed by Soumik Sen, Gulaab Gang is slated to release on March 7.
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