• il y a 9 ans
LULLABY Brahms Lullaby | Bedtime Lullabies. Next up in lullabies - click Lullabies for babies - the wonderful bedtime lullaby Brahms Lullaby is part of our series of bedtime lullaby videos created to help your little baby go to sleep. Our series of lullaby videos marks the arrival of the royal baby. Congratulations to Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. We wish William and Kate all the best. \r
If you LIKE the video please tell us in the comments below - we read every one! and SUBSCRIBE for more lullabies and regular kids videos \r
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Brahms Lullaby Lyrics:\r
Lullaby and good night, up above shines star lights\r
While the sun sleeps and the moon beams\r
Ill be there with your sweet dreams\r
I love you, yes I do, time to sleep now my love\r
I love you, yes I do, time to sleep now my love\r
Close your eyes, time to sleep.\r
Close your eyes now sweet darling\r
Time for bed, rest your head, thru the night until sun rise\r
I love you, yes I do, time to sleep now my love\r
I love you, yes I do, time to sleep now my love\r
(Lyrics written by MyVoxSongs - see below for traditional lyrics)\r
Musical Arrangement & Production - Jane Marlow \r
Animation & Graphic Design - Toni Dundas \r
Artwork, Lyrics, voice & concept - Emma Drew \r
© All rights reserved by MyVoxSongs. \r
Bedtime lullabies: Help babies get to sleep with this gentle lullaby video for your little baby, toddler and young children. Find out more about this traditional English lullaby \r
Other nursery rhyme videos we think youll like too:\r
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The ABC Song (with Zee) - \r
The ABC Song (with Zed) - \r
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes - \r
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BUY NOW - our Nursery Rhyme Videos iPhone / iPad App is now available!\r
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We are Emma & Olly, AKA MyVoxSongs. We make nursery rhyme music videos for babies and young children using real instruments and original artist - drawn artwork. Our videos are ideal for teachers, babies, young children, parents, grandparents and the whole family to sing a long to. Our videos are made to keep your little ones entertained while encouraging them to listen and learn.\r
Traditional Lyrics for Brahms Lullaby:\r
Lullaby and good night,\r
With roses bedight,\r
With lilies oer spread\r
Is babys wee bed.\r
Lay thee down now and rest,\r
May thy slumber be blessed.\r
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