• 9 years ago
"Rain Rain Go Away" is a popular English language nursery rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19096

Rain Rain Go Away Nursery Rhyme Lyrics:

Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Little Johnny wants to play
Rain rain go to Spain
Do not show your face again

Similar rhymes can be found in many societies, including ancient Greece. The modern English language rhyme can be dated to at least to the 17th century when James Howell in his collection of proverbs noted:

Raine raine goe to Spain: faire weather come againe.
A version very similar to the modern version was noted by John Aubrey in 1687 as used by "little children" to "charme away the Raine...":

Rain raine goe away,
Come again a Saturday.
A wide variety of alternatives have been recorded including: "Midsummer day", "washing day", "Christmas Day" and "Martha's wedding day".

In the mid-19th century James Orchard Halliwell collected and published the version:

Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Little Arthur wants to play.
In a book from the late 19th century, the lyrics are as follows:

Rain, Rain,
Go away;
Come again,
April day;
Little Johnny wants to play

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