• 9 years ago
Five Little Shapes

Five little shapes jumping on the bed
Square fell off and bumped his head
Triangle called the doctor
And the doctor said:
"no more shapes jumping on the bed".

Four little shapes jumping on the bed
Triangle fell off and bumped his head
Star called the doctor
And the doctor said:
"no more shapes jumping on the bed".

Three little shapes jumping on the bed
Star fell off and bumped his head
Oval called the doctor
And the doctor said:
"no more shapes jumping on the bed".

Two little shapes jumping on the bed
Oval fell off and bumped his head
Circle called the doctor
And the doctor said:
"no more shapes jumping on the bed".

One little shape jumping on the bed
Circle fell off and bumped his head
Square called the doctor
And the doctor said:
"put those shapes right to bed".
