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Popeye Le Marin Volume 1 :\r
contient tous les épisodes en français depuis les débuts de Popeye en 1933 jusquen 1938\r
Liste des épisodes :\r
(Les titres sont en anglais)\r
Popeye the Sailor (A Betty Boop cartoon)\r
I Yam What I Yam\r
Blow Me Down!\r
I Eats My Spinach\r
Seasins Greetinks!\r
Wild Elephinks\r
Sock-a-Bye, Baby\r
Lets You and Him Fight\r
The Man on the Flying Trapeze\r
Can You Take It\r
Shoein Hosses\r
Strong to the Finich\r
Shiver Me Timbers!\r
Axe Me Another\r
A Dream Walking\r
The Two-Alarm Fire\r
The Dance Contest\r
We Aim to Please\r
Beware of Barnacle Bill\r
Be Kind to Aminals\r
Pleased to Meet Cha!\r
The Hyp-Nut-Tist\r
Choose Your Weppins\r
For Better or Worser\r
Dizzy Divers\r
You Gotta Be a Football Hero\r
King of the Mardi Gras\r
Adventures of Popeye (compilation film, partial live-action)\r
The Spinach Overture\r
Vim, Vigor and Vitaliky\r
Special features[edit]\r
Retrospective documentary: Forging the Frame: The Roots of Animation 1900-1920\r
Popeye Popumentaries: Wimpy the Moocher: Ode to the Burgermeister, Sailors Hornpipes: The Voices of Popeye\r
From the vault: Three Bray Productions/Sullivan Studios shorts: Bobby Bumps Puts a Beanery on the Bum (1918), Feline Follies (1919), The Tantalizing Fly (1919)\r
A Clean Shaven Man\r
Brotherly Love\r
I-Ski Love-Ski You-Ski\r
Bridge Ahoy!\r
What--No Spinach?\r
I Wanna Be a Life Guard\r
Lets Get Movin\r
Never Kick a Woman\r
Popeye the Sailor with Little SweePea\r
Hold the Wire\r
The Spinach Roadster\r
Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor in Technicolor (two reel)\r
Im in the Army Now (compilation film)\r
My Artistical Temperature\r
The Twisker Pitcher\r
Morning, Noon and Night Club\r
Lost and Foundry\r
I Never Changes My Altitude\r
I Likes Babies and Infinks\r
The Football Toucher Downer\r
Protek the Weakerist\r
Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Babas Forty Thieves in Technicolor (two reel)\r
Fowl Play\r
Lets Celebrake\r
Learn Polikeness\r
The House Builder Upper\r
Big Chief Ugh-Amugh-Ugh
Popeye Le Marin Volume 1 :\r
contient tous les épisodes en français depuis les débuts de Popeye en 1933 jusquen 1938\r
Liste des épisodes :\r
(Les titres sont en anglais)\r
Popeye the Sailor (A Betty Boop cartoon)\r
I Yam What I Yam\r
Blow Me Down!\r
I Eats My Spinach\r
Seasins Greetinks!\r
Wild Elephinks\r
Sock-a-Bye, Baby\r
Lets You and Him Fight\r
The Man on the Flying Trapeze\r
Can You Take It\r
Shoein Hosses\r
Strong to the Finich\r
Shiver Me Timbers!\r
Axe Me Another\r
A Dream Walking\r
The Two-Alarm Fire\r
The Dance Contest\r
We Aim to Please\r
Beware of Barnacle Bill\r
Be Kind to Aminals\r
Pleased to Meet Cha!\r
The Hyp-Nut-Tist\r
Choose Your Weppins\r
For Better or Worser\r
Dizzy Divers\r
You Gotta Be a Football Hero\r
King of the Mardi Gras\r
Adventures of Popeye (compilation film, partial live-action)\r
The Spinach Overture\r
Vim, Vigor and Vitaliky\r
Special features[edit]\r
Retrospective documentary: Forging the Frame: The Roots of Animation 1900-1920\r
Popeye Popumentaries: Wimpy the Moocher: Ode to the Burgermeister, Sailors Hornpipes: The Voices of Popeye\r
From the vault: Three Bray Productions/Sullivan Studios shorts: Bobby Bumps Puts a Beanery on the Bum (1918), Feline Follies (1919), The Tantalizing Fly (1919)\r
A Clean Shaven Man\r
Brotherly Love\r
I-Ski Love-Ski You-Ski\r
Bridge Ahoy!\r
What--No Spinach?\r
I Wanna Be a Life Guard\r
Lets Get Movin\r
Never Kick a Woman\r
Popeye the Sailor with Little SweePea\r
Hold the Wire\r
The Spinach Roadster\r
Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor in Technicolor (two reel)\r
Im in the Army Now (compilation film)\r
My Artistical Temperature\r
The Twisker Pitcher\r
Morning, Noon and Night Club\r
Lost and Foundry\r
I Never Changes My Altitude\r
I Likes Babies and Infinks\r
The Football Toucher Downer\r
Protek the Weakerist\r
Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Babas Forty Thieves in Technicolor (two reel)\r
Fowl Play\r
Lets Celebrake\r
Learn Polikeness\r
The House Builder Upper\r
Big Chief Ugh-Amugh-Ugh
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