• 9 years ago
The Predator goes on a film star killing spree.
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Nothing like it has ever been on Earth before. It came from another planet for the thrill of the hunt. It picked the wrong man. But before Arnie, the Predator got warmed up by picking off a couple of Ewoks, some Hobbits, Thor, Voldemort , Bella and Jar Jar Binks. Maybe he was just a bit tired by the time he got to Arnie.

Multimash is a series of mashups created by Twiyk for The Multiverse. Check out his other awesomeness at http://www.twiyk.com. It's basically the films we here at The Multiverse want to see, and we take our sci fi very seriously. Most of the time.

About The Multiverse:
The Multiverse is the Home Planet of Scripted Geek Entertainment.
For fans of Sci-Fi, Superheroes, Paranormal and Fantasy, The Multiverse is home to a sorting hat-full of original series and short films, from spoof comedies to cutting edge science fiction and fantasy adventures.

Captained by Fleet Commander Warwick Davis - legendary star of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Hitchhiker's Guide, Willow, Jack the Giant Slayer... who's looking to bullseye more than a few womprats.

Why not take a look around: http://www.youtube.com/TheMultiverse or ride the wormhole to http://www.youtube.com/themultiverse2 for a utility belt full of behind-the-scenes materials.

