• 9 years ago
DETROIT, MICHIGAN — A video of a creepy clown hitching a ride on the back of a Detroit city bus has gone viral, and the city’s transportation department is not amused.

The footage was captured by the dashcam of an unidentified driver, who probably never expect to see a clown clinging to the back of a bus — even in Detroit.

The Detroit Department of Transportation has forwarded the video to the police, who are investigating.
The motivation and the identity of the clown remains unclear, according to UPI, one YouTube commenter noted that the costume is similar one seen in a video posted by Instagram prankster @g_dulla_mulla.

That video ends with the prankster dressed in a clown suit and clinging onto the back of a Detroit city bus. Unfortunately, the video was removed from Instagram on Tuesday morning and the account appears to have been closed.


