• 9 years ago
Hadrat Sultan Muhammad Ali received early education in Jhang. Afterwards he remained with his father and spiritual mentor Hadrat Sultan Muhammad Asghar Ali for spiritual guidance. Sultan ul Faqr Hadrat Sultan Muhammad Asghar Ali, 08 months and 13 days prior to his passing away, nominated his eldest son Hadrat Sultan Muhammad Ali as his successor and also put on his shoulders the responsibility of leading the Jamaat and all its subsidiaries.

After passing away of Sultan Muhammad Asghar Ali, his successor Hadrat Sultan Muhammad Ali spearheaded the efforts of the Jamaat and also infused more vigor in its struggle. In the light of vision and teachings of Sultan ul Faqr Hadrat Sultan Muhammad Asghar Ali, he expanded the series of seminars and conferences throughout the country to cause among masses awareness of as well as commitment to stability of Pakistan and also unity of Ummah. The same is going on successfully and his relentless efforts are yielding results. Besides, he revamped the existing sections working from the platform of the Jamaat and also introduced new sections in line with the emerging and futuristic requirements.

He keeps a close eye on national and international affairs; also gives his thought-provoking analysis of prevailing situation. He has keen interest in architecture and construction of a mosque and a complex is going on under his supervision on the shrine of Hadrat Sultan Muhammad Abdul Aziz, his grandfather. His hobbies include tent-pegging and traditional horse dance; he enjoys excellent dexterity in the same. In short, his personality is true epitome of Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s verse:

“Highest objectives, heart-moving speech and nourishing pain for others; Are essential traits of a leader.”


