• 8 years ago

01 - キャトル [Quatre] - 00:00
02 - ときどき魔法 [Tokidoki mahō / Sometimes it's Magic] - 03:50
03 - コンサート [Concert] - 07:50
04 - わたしはすてき [Watashi wa suteki / I'm Wonderful] - 11:49
05 - 風の道 [Kaze no michi / Wind's Road] - 16:21
06 - 星に乗って [Hoshi ni notte / Riding on a Star] - 20:31
07 - クリスマス [Christmas] - 25:04
08 - 月の光 [Moonlight] - 28:47
09 - 一枚のフォトグラフ [Ichimai no fotogurafu / One Photograph] - 33:03
10 - キリンのいる風景 [Kirin no iru fūkei / Giraffe Landscapes] - 36:39

Disc Issue Info
Year: 1979 (original pressing)
Catalogue Number: 25AH 877
Media: LP (low resolution digital transfer, lossy rip)


All rights reserved to the original authors/composers/publishers of this album.
By posting this here I intend no malice to any of the aforementioned individuals/groups/companies. If you feel that your rights have been breached by posting this video please contact me.
I'll take immediate action in removing the content from this channel.

The above translation of song names/lyrics may not be accurate, if you want to help translating the songs, please contact me!


