Une démonstration du Mode Split : division du clavier en deux, la partie basse ici est utilisée pour la transposition de l'arpégiateur, la partie haute est utilisée pour le "Lead". Son direct, effet interne : echo stereo BBD. Note: pardonnez le jeu approximatif je ne me prétend pas musicien.
Demonstration of the Split Mode: the keyboard is divided in two halves, the left side is used to transpose the apeggiator while the right is used to play leads. This is direct recording, internal BBD stereo echo, no post-processing. Note: please show leniency to my keyboard playing, I don't pretend being a musician.
Demonstration of the Split Mode: the keyboard is divided in two halves, the left side is used to transpose the apeggiator while the right is used to play leads. This is direct recording, internal BBD stereo echo, no post-processing. Note: please show leniency to my keyboard playing, I don't pretend being a musician.