• il y a 17 ans
I already recorded "Vai e sai - Live IEQ Manaus - Guitar acoustic - Slide show"... Here is another version, this time with me playing what remains to be the most appreciated of my musics. I ask you to have this in mind: "Vai E sai", which means: "goes AND leaves". In other words: goes, leaves, and do live your life. I had in mind the concept of releasing something which maintained me prisoner, until I took the decision of saying: NO! Then I left this virtual prison, and I breathed the fresh air. Changed strings, and the desire to play music... I have just changed the strings of my guitar, and it sounded so greatly that I decided to record again what will remain my most beautiful composition. But, even for me the author, the regularity is really very hard to maintain. I named it "III" because... Eh, it's quite obvious, no?

Je viens juste de changer les cordes de ma guitare, et elle sonnait si bien que j'ai decide d'enregistrer encore ce qui restera ma plus belle composition. Mais, meme pour moi l'auteur, la regularite est vraiment tres dure a maintenir. Je l'ai nommee "III" parce que... Eh, c'est as'sez; evident, non?


