“Santa ‘Ddora Cacate e magia popolare a Mentana” potrebbe apparire, ad un primo rapido sguardo, come una delle nostre consuete video-produzioni sull’, ma ha tutte le carte in regola, in realtà, per essere ben più di questo. Partiremo, infatti, dal racconto della nostra protagonista, Valentina Raffaelli - a tutti gli effetti, la nostra “musa ispiratrice” per il lavoro di documentazione di “eventi anomali”, che conduciamo -, in merito ad un sogno da lei fatto all’età di circa 10 anni. Si trattò di un sogno “inconsueto”, decisamente “reale”, nel quale incontrò una donna dall’aspetto raccapricciante, che le rivelò la propria natura di anima dannata. Al risveglio, Valentina raccontò lo strano sogno alla mamma, chiedendole consiglio. Tutto questo, oltre che darci l’occasione, costituisce anche il leitmotif di una nostra vera e propria indagine antropologica sul campo, che ha portato alla raccolta di una serie di interviste che meglio possono avvicinarci ai contenuti del mondo magico di cui la memoria popolare di Mentana, un paese non lontano da Roma, è tuttora intrisa. Ebbene, questa nostra video-produzione è il risultato, ben congeniato, dell’intreccio di tutto questo materiale che abbiamo raccolto.
“Santa 'Ddora Cacate and popular magic in Mentana” may appear, at first glance, as one of our usual video-productions on , but has all the characteristics to be much more than this. In fact, we will start from a story of our protagonist, Valentina Raffaelli, who is, in effect, our "inspiration muse" for our work of documenting “anomalous events”. She will tell us about a dream she had when she was about 10 years old. It was an “unusual” and “vivid” dream, in which she met a gruesome-looking woman, who revealed her to be a damned soul. Once she woke up, Valentina told the strange dream to her mother and asked for her advice. This recount gave us the opportunity for carrying out an anthropological fieldwork, and was the leitmotif of our investigation. We collected a series of video-interviews which can better lead us into the magical world that is still in the memory of the people of Mentana, a village not far from Rome. Well, this video-production is the result of a balanced union of all this documentary material that we have collected.
“Santa 'Ddora Cacate and popular magic in Mentana” may appear, at first glance, as one of our usual video-productions on , but has all the characteristics to be much more than this. In fact, we will start from a story of our protagonist, Valentina Raffaelli, who is, in effect, our "inspiration muse" for our work of documenting “anomalous events”. She will tell us about a dream she had when she was about 10 years old. It was an “unusual” and “vivid” dream, in which she met a gruesome-looking woman, who revealed her to be a damned soul. Once she woke up, Valentina told the strange dream to her mother and asked for her advice. This recount gave us the opportunity for carrying out an anthropological fieldwork, and was the leitmotif of our investigation. We collected a series of video-interviews which can better lead us into the magical world that is still in the memory of the people of Mentana, a village not far from Rome. Well, this video-production is the result of a balanced union of all this documentary material that we have collected.