• 9 years ago
Myx TV shines the spotlight on the constantly evolving Gallant for the whole month of June!

Quickly leading into the creation of the music he is quickly becoming known for: R&B / alternative-rock genre (also known as, alt-R&B). Gallant’s music showcases that he is a wise and rare breed of our generation and is indefinitely a revolutionary in the music world. His debut album titled, “Ology” studies his anxiety and insecurities, which refuses to take any sides between the genres stated above, that he is placed in.

“This Is…”— a monthly artist platform by Myx TV curated with mydiveo, will highlight a high-profile, emerging music artist for the whole month. Viewers will get an inside look at the featured artist with exclusive vignettes of the artist, music videos on priority rotation on Myx TV, and direct Q&As with fans.

Watch more Gallant on www.myxtv.com

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