Сегодня мы отправились в торговый центр, что бы найти подарок для братика Мисс Полли и чуть-чуть отметить ;-) День Святого Валентина. Искали в игрушечном магазине подарок для Ванечки, а нашли для Полички. Мисс Полли давно мечтала про Чи чи Лав. Погода дождливая. Поэтому купили для Полли мы Чи Чи Лав под названием "Веселый дождик". Очень красивая собачка Чихуашка! Сумочка и наряд просто загляденье.
Today we went to the mall that would be to find a gift for the brother of Miss Polly and a little note ;-) Valentine's Day . They were looking for in a toy store gift for Vanya and found to Polička . Miss Polly had long dreamed about Chi Chi Love. Rainy weather. So we bought for Polly Chi Chi Love , entitled "Rainy fun" Very beautiful dog Chihuashka ! Handbag and outfit a feast for the eyes .
Today we went to the mall that would be to find a gift for the brother of Miss Polly and a little note ;-) Valentine's Day . They were looking for in a toy store gift for Vanya and found to Polička . Miss Polly had long dreamed about Chi Chi Love. Rainy weather. So we bought for Polly Chi Chi Love , entitled "Rainy fun" Very beautiful dog Chihuashka ! Handbag and outfit a feast for the eyes .