Subscribe to the Game of Thrones YouTube: Harry Lloyd (Viserys Targaryen) narrates the history of the Doom in this Season 1 Blu-ray .
Jon Snow descreve o Norte, de longe o maior de todos os Sete Reinos, destancado a Casa Stark e sua liderança e a importância da Muralha e da Patrulha da .
Grand Maester Pycelle educates us on the history of Dragons in the Valyrian empire and Westeros, and hints at a. different. potential future for Daenerys .
Game of Thrones History & Lore narrated by the characters themselves from HBOs Game of Thrones in the blueray discs.
Jon Snow descreve o Norte, de longe o maior de todos os Sete Reinos, destancado a Casa Stark e sua liderança e a importância da Muralha e da Patrulha da .
Grand Maester Pycelle educates us on the history of Dragons in the Valyrian empire and Westeros, and hints at a. different. potential future for Daenerys .
Game of Thrones History & Lore narrated by the characters themselves from HBOs Game of Thrones in the blueray discs.
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