astonishing, to astonish, astonish, being captivated, to be captivated, be captivated, being distracted, to be distracted, be distracted, being surprised, to be surprised, be surprised, being taken aback, to be taken aback, be taken aback, chasing, to chase, chase, clearing a path, to clear a path, clear a path, climbing the stairs, to climb the stairs, climb the stairs, dashing around, to dash around, dash around, deviating, to deviate, deviate, discovering, to discover, discover, driving around, to drive around, drive around, experiencing, to experience, experience, exploring, to explore, explore, finding your bearings, to find your bearings, find your bearings, flirting around, to flirt around, flirt around, flitting about, to flit about, flit about, fluttering around, to flutter around, flutter around, following, to follow, follow, getting about, to get about, get about, getting around, to get around, get around, getting lost , to get lost, get lost, gliding, to glide, glide, going, to go, go, going all over, to go all over, go all over, going for a stroll, to go for a stroll, go for a stroll, Going for a walk, To go for a walk, go for a walk, going into raptures, to go into raptures, go into raptures, going out, to go out, go out, going sightseeing, to go sightseeing, go sightseeing, hanging around, to hang around, hang around, leaping, to leap, leap, lingering, to linger, linger, living, to live, live, loafing around, to loaf around, loaf around, looking at, to look at, look at, looking for, to look for, look for, losing your bearings, to lose your bearings, lose your bearings, losing your way, to lose your way, lose your way, meandering, to meander, meander, moving around, to move around, move around, moving forward, to move forward, move forward, noticing, to notice, notice, passing, to pass, pass, patrolling, to patrol, patrol, remarking, to remark, remark, roaming, to roam, roam, running in, to run in, run in, scurrying along, to scurry along, scurry along, seeing , to see, see, stepping over, to step over, step over, straying, to stray, stray, striding along, to stride along, stride along, strolling, to stroll, stroll, taking a walk, to take a walk, take a walk, trailing, to trail, trail, trudging along, to trudge around, trudge around, venturing, to venture, venture, visiting, to visit, visit, walking, to walk, walk, walking along, to walk along, walk along, wandering, to wander, wander, wandering around, to wander around, wander around ,