• il y a 9 ans
abandoning, to abandon, abandon, to direct, speak english, speaking english
annoying, to annoy, annoy,
astounding, to astound, astound,
babbling, to babble, babble,
beating it, to beat it, beat it,
being woolly, to be woolly, be woolly,
being wrong, to be wrong, be wrong,
bewildering, to bewilder, bewilder,
being afraid, to be afraid, be afraid,
bolting, to bolt, bolt,
breaking away from, to break away from, break away from,
complicating, to complicate, complicate,
convincing, to convince, convince,
dashing off, to dash off, dash off,
calling, to call, call,
clarifying, to clarify, clarify,
clearing off, to clear off, clear off,
clouding, to cloud, cloud,
deciphering, to decipher, decipher,
confusing, to confuse, confuse,
decoding, to decode, decode,
directing, to direct, direct,
disappearing, to disappear, disappear,
disconcerting, to disconcert, disconcert,
disorienting, to disorient, disorient,
disregarding, to disregard, disregard,
ditching, to ditch, ditch,
dodging, to dodge, dodge,
elucidating, to elucidate, elucidate,
escaping, to escape, escape,
explaining, to explain, explain,
fading, to fade, fade,
embarrassing, to embarrass, embarrass,
faltering, to falter, falter,
fleeing, to flee, flee,
gabbling, to gabble, gabble,
getting away, to get away, get away,
giving information to, to give information to , give information to,
going off, to go off, go off,
guiding, to guide, guide,
helping, to help, help,
indicating, to indicate, indicate,
informing, to inform, inform,
leaving somebody in the lurch, to leave somebody in the lurch, leave somebody in the lurch,
legging it, to leg it, leg it,
making a dash for it, to make a dash for it, make a dash for it,
making yourself scarce, to make yourself scarce, make yourself scarce,
moving away , to move away , move away ,
mumbling, to mumble, mumble,
muttering, to mutter, mutter,
manoeuvring, to manoeuvre, manoeuvre,
paling, to pale, pale,
persuading, to persuade, persuade,
phoning, to phone, phone,
pointing out, to point out, point out,
refusing, to refuse, refuse,
replying, to reply, reply,
running, to run, run,
running off, to run off, run off,
scarpering, to scarper, scarper,
shaking off, to shake off, shake off,
running away, to run away, run away,
showing the way, to show the way, show the way,
slipping away, to slip away, slip away,
slipping out, to slip out, slip out,
speaking, to speak, speak,
speaking a foreign language, to speak a foreign language, speak a foreign language,
specifying, to specify, specify,
sprinting, to sprint, sprint,
stammering, to stammer, stammer,
steering, to steer, steer,
surprising, to surprise, surprise,
taking a call, to take a call, take a call,
taking flight, to take flight, take flight,
talking, to talk, talk,
telling, to tell, tell,
throwing, to throw, throw,
throwing in the towel, to throw in the towel, throw in the towel,
throwing light on, to throw light on, throw light on ,
translating, to translate, translate,
turning your back, to turn your back, turn your back,
understanding, to understand, understand,
unnerving, to unnerve, unnerve,
unsettling, to unsettle, unsettle,
vanishing into thin air, to vanish into thin air, vanish into thin air,
walking away, to walk away, walk away, to show the way, show the way, showing the way, direct, directing

